Community - Key To Improving Reading Outcomes
With the number of pupils in our schools increasing due to the free education policy introduced by the government, there is an urgent need to improve the quality of primary and secondary education in Zambia. While our enrollment figures have been increasing, the quality of learning remains extremely low.
The latest midline assessment of the USAID’s Let Read Project which focuses on improving reading outcomes among targeted Grade 2 learners in five Zambian provinces, revealed that less than 10 percent of G2 learners reach the minimum proficiency level in oral reading. In the 5 provinces, only 7.7 percent of students reached that level which indicates that on average, Grade 2 learners are reading below the national minimum proficiency level.
Another study by the Examination Council of Zambia in collaboration with UNESCO Statistics Office, on the impact of COVID 19 on learning outcomes conducted in 2021 in the 10 provinces, revealed that only 2 percent of the learners in grade 2, reached the minimum proficiency level in reading. This further entails that most of the learners in primary schools lack the necessary knowledge and skills to advance to further education.
As we take stock of where we are and look forward to where we are headed it is important to appreciate the role of the community in relation to promoting the learning of the child. However, some children live in communities that do not provide both a societal and physical context that reinforces the learning they receive in schools.
Imagine what it is like to live in an environment where books and words are not all around you because the majority of the community is illiterate. Imagine a childhood where your parents don’t read to you because they either can’t afford books or lack the ability to read. That is the reality in so many communities in our country. Societal context is crucial to unlocking a generation of educated and empowered children.
The physical context is also important as it can be challenging to encourage reading among children not already immersed in an environment that demonstrates a strong culture of literacy. When reading is not the norm, it becomes challenging to place a high value on literacy. If children are surrounded by a culture that values and celebrates literacy, there is a greater chance that they will develop a habit and love of reading. Having a physical space that showcases a literate population is one step toward improving our reading levels in Zambia.